Sunday, April 27, 2008

Books on Wheels!

Braiden and Brooke had the Books on Wheels Parade at school. They picked a book and made a float that represents the book. Brooke wanted to do Snow White, so we made a giant poison apple and Brooke dressed up like snow white.
Braiden's book was Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets. He had uncle clay come over and help him draw some giant attacking toilets. Then Braiden dressed up like Captain Underpants minus the underpants (he was too embarrassed to wear underpants on the out side of his clothes like the Captian underpants from the book.) It was fun and the kids were really proud to be part of the parade. Out of 500 students in the school only about 20 participated. So they had a big crowd to watch them parade through the school.

1 comment:

Timmreck said...

So totally awesome!