Saturday, April 5, 2008

Scout Service.

Braiden needed to do some service for scouts. So, I arranged for him to pull some weeds for our next door neighbors who are an older couple. It was a great learning experience. About half way through the project our neighbor Norm could tell Braiden was feeling discouraged and wanted to be done. He came over and talked to Braiden and explained that if you learn to work hard when you are young then when you're old like him it won't seem so hard. So with the help of little sister Brooke and his friend and fellow scouter Christian they managed to pull all the weeds and really make the yard look nice. Our neighbors really wanted to do something nice to repay the boys so at the end of the project she came out with little treat bags made for everyone. It was very nice and a great learning experience for Braiden. I am so greatful for programs like these that put me into situations that help me to teach my son.

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